tools for the NBN Co G652D 12f ribbon (flat)
for Commscope cable: FOD-2000
for Prysmian: cable stripper AUA-F1
Commscope GB G657A2 V6 drop cable (round)
operation steps are from left to right
45-163 stripper 3.2~6.4mm O.D. (Blue)
45-162 stripper 0~3.2mm O.D. (Grey)
for Corning SSS drop cable,
use the black Corning RDST-000 cable slitter.
for Commscope SSS drop cable,
prepare 0.9mm fibre cable for field fast connector or splicing
Telstra Prysmian duct SMOF 12/12 cable
one loose tube with 12fibres inside the cable
CSM running side/side with the loose tube
diameter is 7.7mm
two rip cords 180 degrees opposite to each
install must rip both rip cords down the length of the cable, one at a time - then peel back the sheath like opening a banana
installer must not rip only one cord, and try to remove the loose tube inside, otherwise as he pulls the 12 loose tube out of the cable he will kink or damage the tube
To separate a ribbon fibre (De-ribbonise)
hold the ribbon cable and leave ~2cm at the end
using the finger to move the ribbon fibre from side to side, with some strength, and the matrix will fell off, to become twelve 250um fibre
The window shows the remaining cleaning string and reddish end of usage
UOC-OptiTap One-click Cleaner to clean the OptiTap connector and multi-port
Patch cable colour coding